Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A New World

This past week I traveled through several states, but one thing was the same every where I went.
People feeling the world has changed. The world has changed a lot and not the way we had hoped. Drugs and crime are every where. The flying car idea... well, they are trying but Jetsons they are not. Families are fractured. People who know how to push buttons and say the right words are running major companies and governments. People who know how to make things run and build stuff are looked down on by those who are above such things. Squeezed out of existence and replaced by chain stores are the Mom and Pop businesses and stores. Money and distractions are king.  Substance has been replaced with mindless things that make no difference in the grand scheme of things.  

TV reports and drone out the same ole lines of stories they want you to hear. They spoon feed you to make you soft and easy to control. If you are caught up in the game or the latest 15 minutes of a famous persons life you pay less attention to your own. You are a cog in a machine that is so big you can not see the entirety of it. 

It's a new world and some of us are outsiders to it. People who believe in honor, courage and tradition are rare. People who believe in truth and keeping their word are hard to find. We are here though. We are building our circles of friends our innangard.   Building frith with those of like mind.

In this new world we must learn to play their game while not falling victim to it while building our own.