Thursday, January 29, 2015


Just what is all this Tribal talk about?

Apocalypse Tribes, New Earth Tribes, Neo-Tribes and Spiritual Tribes: It started out with people who were deemed fringe groups yet now it’s becoming mainstream.
Webster defines tribe as
1a: a social group comprising numerous families, clans, or generations together with slaves, dependents, or adopted strangers
2: a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest
Tribalism as
1: Tribal consciousness and loyalty; especially: exaltation of the tribe above other groups
2: strong in-group loyalty
There are many uses on the term tribal in the context of things people are into today, neo tribalism, post modern tribalism, new earth tribes, burning man tribe and others. Tribal to some people mean native or indigenous tribes, you don’t have to be of a certain race or belief to be in a post modern tribe. Post modern Tribes form for many reasons mostly because the family unit has disappeared and a form of group bonding is longed for.
We feel something is missing. Something is missing, the world is not right. Humans are the only living thing that pays to live on earth. Think about that for a minute, most living things except humans are born, raised by a parent or parents, reach adulthood provide for themselves, procreate, then die. Now while I realize there are some variations on this and the speed at which you get from step one to the last step greatly varies. The basics are the same.
Humans are born, given a number as well as a name and cataloged into a big system, where we are expected to go to school to get a job so we can “PAY” for food, shelter, and clothing and to save money so we can pay someone to take care of us when we can no longer do it ourselves. WHAT? Where is the living part? Where is the freedom? Oh I have it as long as it fits into the confines of the system?
But the system is broken. Societies have risen and fallen since the dawn of time. Look around at the fallen empires of old, look around today, this isn’t working.  We have gotten too far away from that which sustains us, too far away from nature and each other. Most of us have no clue where our food and water comes from, much less what’s in it. People have lost the ability to take care of themselves. We have to “work” to make money to pay for things we can’t do ourselves. Now I’m not against working, In fact working in our garden is fun to me. I’m against a system so far removed from the earth and spirit, that it exploits us and the earth only to sustain itself.  The only way the big machine has any hopes of continuing is if you are too busy or distracted to see you are just a number, just a cog. The system is designed to keep the masses busy and if you’re not busy enough then it keeps you distracted.
Tribal Structures are working though. There are remote tribes still in existence today that prove this as well as the new tribes that are forming. The tribal community, which I’m looking to foster see’s each person as a unique and wonderful being. Where we are in touch with nature and are striving to become self reliant.  Learning and relearning skills such as gardening, wild crafting, holistic medicines and others. To work with nature and not against it, to take care of Mother Earth and not exploit her. To live as we are all apart of each other and connect with the spiritual side of life as well. To have fun and experience life outside of someone else’s box.
Look at any tribal system outside of human ones, they work, live, laugh and mourn together. They aren’t just in touch with nature they are a part of it! It’s a system that works.
I wanna “GO TRIBAL”
Tribal Hawk ©2010